Verse 1
You'll find a road to lead you out of trouble
You'll find a light at the end of every tunnel
You'll find a place where you won't have to struggle
After the break down
Verse 2
You'll find your courage right there where you left it
You'll find your faith, and there you'll be protected
You'll find the strength when you least expect it
After the break down.
Cause broke don't mean that It can't be fixed
And it ain't gonna last forever
It's just finding all of those broken bits and putting you back together
Just get on back behind that wheel
Just like in that old truck
And the hurtin starts to heal when you fire it up. And let life roll on
After the break down, After the break down.
Verse 3
You'll find a time, when your ready for forgiveness
You'll find a life, one you can't wait to live in
You'll find a love, worth getting and worth giving.
After the break down.
Ooh ooh ooh
Verse 1
Never been the betting kind but this time, I’m backing myself
No time for hanging round cause right now, I got no one else
And Back when my daddy said remember in this life
Nothings free yeah take from me, only the tough survive
He was right
So I’ll work real hard and never back down, when I go out I’ll go out proud
The things I did and all I leave behind
I’m gonna use every bullet in this gun they’re gonna know my name when I’m done
But long before I cross that finish line
I’m gonna hit a few walls a few stop signs and do a little stumbling
But At least I ain’t gonna die wondering
Verse 2
Gotta have a little faith cause mistakes, they’re sure to come
I might fall but through it all, it’s still my race to run
And every yard is gonna be hard , yeah that’s a guarantee
With no help, keep telling myself if it’s meant to be
It’s all up to me
I’m gonna stay the course yeah I wanna see it all
Leave no stone unturned
They’ll be no questions, be no second-guessing, no lessons left to learn
Verse 1
You can't change history, it's how it's always gonna be.
When that first neon light came on and they filled that jukebox with drinking songs.
It's probably the best time you ever had, it's probably how your mama met your dad.
What makes the world I’m living in go round and round, round here, is beer.
Where there's ice cold beer they'll be singalongs.
Where there's singalongs they'll be country songs.
Where there's country songs they'll be girls that dance.
To cover bands playing all night long.
Where there's all night long they'll be shots of whiskey.
Where there’s whiskey in the morning I'll be tipsy.
When I'm tipsy in the morning I'll be coming right back here.
Where there’s ice cold beer.
Verse 2
It's how we blow off steam, it's how we heal the hurt.
It's our go to good time that always works.
Yeah that's what's up, it's a plastic cup.
Full of worries disappear
Ooh ooh, every time I drink it, ooh ooh,
it gets me to thinking what we’d do for fun around here, without beer
Nah nah nah nah, Ice cold beer.
It's probably the best time you ever had, it's probably how your mama met your dad.
it's a plastic cup.
Full of worries disappear, ice cold beer.
Verse 1
Sometimes it feels like I don’t measure up
I wonder if just being me will ever be enough
Put on a brave face to face the day
You’ll never hear the prayers I pray
Feel what’s going on inside.
See me giving up the fight
What you don’t see is me hiding all the hurting
What you don’t see is I hate to be a burden
I’m untied next minute I’m in knots
I ain’t perfect yeah I break a lot
A Square peg tryna fit in that round hole
You’d be amazed at all the things that you don’t see
When you see me
Verse 2
Sometimes I feel I’m sinking and gonna drown
That’s when I need to put my hand up, let somebody pull me out
Cause a brave face wont save the day
You’ll never hear what I don’t say
Or know why’s going on inside
If I’m too afraid to try
I know I’m not the only one, and behind the clouds there is a sun.
And a light that’s gonna shine in days to come.
Verse 1
Came up short last week and that ain’t the first time
It’s curse when your hurting and you’re stuck working for the man
It’s forty long hours that lead me to this bar stool
As he pours me another I say hey brother I got me the perfect plan
If I got paid for drinking beer, all my problems would disappear
Cause my bank account would be as full as that next glass.
Be making money I wouldn’t complain, cause the more I drink the more I’d make.
From the open sign till closing time, I’d be employee of the year
I’d have it made If I got paid for drinking beer
Guess I’d wake up around nine o’clock start knocking em back round ten
Hell If I know me I’m gonna over achieve over and over again
Verse 2
If I got that job I’d never need another
I’d have a pile of deadlines and mile of quotas to make
Cause I’m a thirsty man and I tell you I got it covered
Won’t need a lunch break, never take a holiday, go in early and stay back late
When the road up aheads looking unclear
When you’re struggling to take that first step
I’ll show you there’s nothing to fear, I got you
When It feels like the worlds on your shoulders
When you can’t seem to find your way out
I’ll be the one there to hold ya I got you
In my arms, safe and sound
Always here to pick you up.
Won’t let you down.
Through every storm, you’re not alone
Cause I will be the Lighthouse
That brings you home
The rock you hold onto I got you (the hand you hold onto)
When your hearts broken shattered in pieces
When all you have left is to fall
I’ll be the one you can lean on I got you
Like an anchor I’m here, I ain’t going nowhere, gonna love you with all I’ve got
No this life ain’t perfect, there’s a whole lot of hurt it’s all good until it’s not
Verse 4
Until there’s a break in the weather
Until all you’re wounds start to heal.
Get through all those bad days together, I got you
I never sweat the small stuff
Cause It’s all small stuff
Yeah I know how to be tougher
When the going gets tough
I set my compass on North
When it all goes south
Yeah I got nothin’ to complain about
Yeah I got nothin’, Nothin to complain about
Everyday I count my blessing for the way my life worked out
Yeah I got nothin’, Nothin to complain about
So I’ll raise one up to life right here and now
I got gas in my tank, and beer on tap
I got a wife who loves me, and I’m thankful for that
A few bucks in the Bank, a roof over my head
And I need more than two hands
To count all my friends
I see a whole lotta people spinnin their wheels
And the truth is man I know how that feels
But when I stop, take a minute
And a good look around
Yeah I got nothin’ to complain about
Yeah I got nothin’, Nothin to complain about
Everyday I count my blessing for the way my life turned out
Yeah I got nothin’, Nothin to complain about
Everyday I count my blessing for the way my life worked out
Yeah I got nothin’, Nothin to complain about
So let’s all raise one up to life right here and now
Yeah let’s all raise one up to life right here and now
Yeah we give and take we bend we break
We kiss, we fight, we make mistakes
But through it all we hold on to one another
Yeah we laugh, we cry lose hope sometimes
Love comin home after long goodbyes
With you by my side I'll never want for another
And lookin back on the life we have from somewhere down the road
In all that is uncertain I hope you know
With a chance to do it all again, you'd be the one, wouldn't change a thing
Your heart will always be my home, it's true
For now and always, it was always you
Yeah we wheel and deal get numb and we feel
At times like we're just coolin' our heels
And then there's days we're racing in double time
You're my strength and my faith
In the choices I make
You're always there as we find our way
Through the beggin, the stealin, the cheatin and all the lies
The moment that I saw you I knew right away
That you'd be my forever and a day
Verse 1
Four-thirty on a Friday I was knocking off from work
Boss I won't be in on Monday I’ll be face down in the dirt
Me and the boys got big plans, we won’t be drinking water.
Gonna be a real good time, might be a little hung over
He said
Play up, show up, come Monday don't be late
While your working hard at drinking hard
Remember I don't wait
Play up show up, when ya downing that shot glass
If you don't show up on Monday well I'm gonna kick your......
Asking her to dance was the best damn thing I ever did.
Nine months after that first kiss we were having our first kid.
Before I knew it wedding bells were ringing in my ear
Those four words my boss said to me, had never been so clear
He said
Half verse
Yeah I know that they'll have questions when they’re old enough
I'll say when it comes to life yeah it's all about showing up
Play up, show up next thing we’re saying vows
I was working hard at drinking hard
But I love how things turned out
Play up, show up, everybody raise your glass.
Il’ be showing up on Monday or I'll kick my own…..
Play up, show up, come Monday don't be late
While your working hard at drinking hard
Remember I don't wait
Play up show up, it all goes by so fast
Here’ to showing up on Monday, everybody raise your glass
Play up, show up, play up, show up
Verse 1
Picked a coin up off the table
And lookin at it now
Ain't as shiny as it once was
Sure has been around
A little rough around the edges.
A little hard to read.
It’s done a lot of miles
Yeah this coins a lot like me.
And we roll on, and we roll on.
The wheels of life keep turning and we roll on.
And we roll on, and we roll on.
The wheels of life keep turning and we roll on.
Verse 2
Seen a million dirty pockets
And as many welcome hands
Loved and sometimes hated
By the common man
Every head and every tail
Won and lost a bet or two
Paid for one two many rounds
But somehow made it through
Verse 3
Been held by a few good women
Been spent from time to time
Fallen through the cracks
But somehow made it out alive
All songs written by Drew McAlister and Troy Kemp.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Australia / Kobalt Music Publishing Pty Ltd obo Checked Label Services Pty Ltd.
Except, ‘Ice Cold Beer’, written by Bobby Huff, Brad Warren and Brett Warren.
Published by Vistaville Music (ASCAP) / Atlas Music Group obo Atlas Holdings (ASCAP) and Highly Combustible Music (ASCAP) / WB Music (ASCAP) / EMI Blackwood Music Inc (BMI)
Produced & engineered by Ben Flanders
Mixed by Aaron Chmielewskii
Except ‘After the Breakdown’ mixed by Jason Millhouse
Drew’s vocal engineering by Ryan Van Gennip
Except ‘After the Breakdown’ vocal engineering by Terry Cox
Mastered by Tony Dawsey
Ben Flanders – Electric Guitars
Dave Francis - Acoustic Guitar
James Mitchell – Electric Guitar
Jason Roller – Acoustic Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, Fiddle
Michael Flanders - pedal steel
Rob McNelley - Electric Guitars
Steve Brewster - Drums
Tony Lucido - Bass Guitar
Troy Kemp - Electric Guitars
Vaughan Jones – Piano
Photography by Jay Seeney (Blacklist Productions)
Artwork by Parée Erica